closeup of manicured nailsLong, healthy and strong nails not only look more appealing, but are also a sign of proper hygiene! For certain individuals, it may be more difficult to grow their fingernails to a desired length yet with proper care, the path to healthy nails can be made easier!

Signs of Unhealthy Nails

If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, you could have poor nail health:

  • Changes in color or shape
  • Brittle nails
  • Swelling, redness or irritation
  • Spots or stripes on nails

Consider the following tips to help grow stronger nails.

1. Consume More Biotin

This vitamin is crucial for the growth and health of your nails. According to Healthline, biotin aids in the metabolism of protein-building amino acids. This protein helps strengthen your nails and can also speed up the growth process.

Where can you find biotin? In addition to supplements you can purchase at your local pharmacy, you can get biotin from eating eggs, nuts, sweet potatoes and bananas.

2. Regularly Groom Nails

Similar to caring for your hair, you should also focus on grooming your nails. First off, it’s important to keep your hands and nails moisturized. Make sure to use the right products for your specific skin type and stay away from harsh chemicals.

Schedule regular manicures and pedicures to focus on the overall health and appearance of your nails. At Catherine & Company, we take care of all nail care needs including cuticle treatments, filing, buffing and polishing!

3. Cut Out Bad Habits

Do you bite your nails or pick at the cuticles? These habits may be difficult to break but doing so can have a positive impact on your nails. By leaving them alone, your cuticles can remain healthy and intact. This can make a big difference when it comes to consistent nail growth.

Unsure how to stop these bad habits? Try applying bitter nail polish or keeping your nails cut short. You can also replace the negative habit with a less harmful one! Chewing gum, playing with a hair elastic or using a fidget spinner are great options to get started.
Do you have more questions about promoting healthy nail growth? Contact the professionals at Catherine & Company today!